How to Trim a Beard

How to Trim a Beard

Guide on Grooming your Beard

Most people use a beard trimmer, but if you are without, follow these steps for well-groomed facial hair.

Step 1. Decide how you want your beard to look when you are finished trimming.

Step 2. Shave as you regularly do, including the exposed parts of cheeks and neck. Wash off the shaving cream.

Step 3. Wet your beard slightly.

Step 4. Use either scissors or a beard trimmer to groom your beard.

Step 5. Clip conservatively around the beard's upper edges.

Step 6. Snip around cheeks and along the jawline. Clip very little, reducing the beard's volume slowly to the desired length.

Step 7. Clip stray hairs until the beard is even.

Step 8. Wash away clippings.

Step 9. Trim your moustache, if applicable.

Step 10. Apply a little beard oil to condition the beard hairs and revitalise the skin underneath the beard.

Step 11. Apply a little beard wax, if desired, to keep your beard smooth and sleek.


Beard trimmers are easier to use than scissors, as you can adjust trimmer settings to cut hair at various lengths.

Set your beard trimmer to a longer hair length if you are new to using one - you don't want to cut too much at first.

Wet hair is longer than dry hair, so trim a little at a time.

You can view our complete range of beard and moustache care product by clicking here.


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