Discover the Timeless Elegance of Musgo Real by Claus Porto

Discover the Timeless Elegance of Musgo Real by Claus Porto

Since 1887, Claus Porto has been a renowned fragrance house, crafting luxurious soaps and fragrances that have captivated customers worldwide. With a rich history that spans over four generations, Claus Porto has remained authentic and true to its roots, drawing inspiration from the scents and landscapes of Portugal. This month, we are excited to feature one of their most iconic brands, Musgo Real, as our brand of the month.

In the 1930s, Claus Porto launched the Musgo Real brand to cater to the grooming needs of men. The Musgo Real collection has since become a classic, offering a range of high-quality products that blend tradition, art, and craftsmanship.

Musgo Real soaps are created using a meticulous process that begins with the mixing of contemporary formulas enriched with the finest ingredients. The soap mixture undergoes a repetitive grinding process to ensure a smooth touch and long-lasting fragrance. It is then laminated to guarantee greater durability before being extruded, compacted, and transformed into a long bar of soap. Finally, the soaps are cut and moulded into various shapes and styles.

One of the unique features of Musgo Real soaps is the iconic rope made of pure cotton, inserted manually using a technique that has been perfected over the years. The production process adheres to strict quality control measures, from the selection of ingredients to the final packaging.

In addition to soaps, the Musgo Real collection includes other grooming essentials such as shaving creams, colognes and soaps. These products are a testament to Claus Porto's commitment to combining art and craftsmanship while maintaining a deep respect for artisanal manufacturing.

As our brand of the month, we invite you to experience the timeless elegance of Musgo Real. Don't miss this opportunity to indulge in the luxurious world of Claus Porto and elevate your grooming routine.

Shop the Musgo Real Collection Now!

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