New Executive Shaving Aftershave Splash

New Executive Shaving Aftershave Splash

Ever since I became a convert to aftershaves back in 2017, I have used Extro Cosmesi, DR Harris, Muhle, Proraso, Goodfellas’ Smile and Fine Accoutrements, I’m sure I have used others but these ones spring easily to mind.
Some I absolutely loved such as Fine Accoutrements Snake Bite and their Italian Citrus while I absolutely loathed Proraso Traditional (green) aftershave. It got me thinking, our shaving creams and balms are at least as good as others, surely, we can come up with an aftershave splash that can be the equal at least of Fine Accoutrements? I started the ball rolling in October 2018 with a team brainstorming meeting, we discussed and argued over the scents, the size of the bottle and the target retail price. We also had to keep in mind our current range which includes natural shaving cream, a bay rum cream and citrus cream, at that time our mint cream was still at the development stage. The new aftershave splash had to compliment these scents if possible.

I met with the cosmetic chemist we have used in the past who took note of my requirements and added in his tuppence worth into the mix. Basically, what I wanted was not possible but what he could do was come up with a scent that wasn’t entirely the opposite of our existing range.
Not negotiable was the following:

•    Not tested on animals
•    No artificial colourants
•    No parabens
•    Minimum alcohol content

The chemist began work on trial bottles and within a week or two we had some samples for testing. This first batch didn’t work out too well, the scents were too woody, too heavy and too old fashioned. We wanted something lighter so we met again and I let him sample some Fine Accoutrements Italian Citrus and DR Harris Pink, I like these fresh scents. The second batch of was more promising but again needed tweaking, we were missing something, something was needed to lift the scent from pleasant to something more like exhilarating. “Bergamot, Brian, Bergamot, that’s what’s missing,” said Matt the chemist, “Bergamot”. Sure enough, the third lot of samples arrived with varying amounts of bergamot included in the ingredients and Matt was right the scent went from being pleasant to something approaching exhilarating. This was in mid-December 2018 and we agreed on what we felt was the best of the options in the third batch. The image shows the tester we kept back to compare against what will actually delivered. Bergamot adds a spicy-floral content to the mainly citrus blend and what a pleasing difference it made. Then we submitted samples of our chosen blend to the EU Testing Laboratory and waited, and waited and waited… Eventually, the Lab decreed that our aftershave splash met their criteria for safety and stabilisation, this testing takes around five months as they need to see what affect storing the product used different temperatures does to the chemical mix after several weeks in various temperatures all in lab conditions. We also need the certification for our insurers and for my peace of mind.

Meanwhile, I had chosen a bottle and met with Glasgow based design consultancy Rydo who designed the new labelling for our shaving creams and balms. Rydo produced a new model and design for a rectangular shaped glass bottle. When I got around to ordering the bottles the manufacturer dropped a bombshell. They no longer make these bottles! So, it was back to square one, we settled on an Italian manufacturer who supplies cylindrical bottles without the lids and plastic reducer so another setback! We duly sourced suppliers for these parts and slowly but surely the project started to come together. Launching a new product isn’t easy, you need lots of patience and deep pockets. However, we think Outlaw will be well received.

What to expect?
After applying to freshly shaved skin, you’ll feel a nice, gentle tingle on the skin, you will instantly be refreshed by the lotion and immediately the scent will hit your senses leaving you lightly scented and ready for the day ahead.

When the weather is hot or humid, apply some Outlaw to the face, throat and the back of your neck to instantly freshen up and cool down.

Techy stuff:

Glass bottle
Aluminium screw top cap
Plastic reducer inserted in the neck
Price: £17.50


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